Our Networks
As a school we are passionate about working with others to share, develop and learn outstanding practice. We work closely with a number of networks and organisations to ensure that we are always providing the best for our children. Please find here more information about our partner organisations.
Exeter Consortium Teaching Schools’ Alliance
The Exeter Consortium and Teaching School Alliance are a growing group of schools based in Exeter and the surrounding areas, all working to improve the quality of learning for our pupils. Working in partnership, Exeter Consortium & Exeter Teaching School Alliance are training the next generation of teachers, improving the quality of teaching, raising the attainment of pupils and closing the gap between different groups of pupils. We provide challenge and support to each other to improve our schools as well as a wide range of professional development opportunities. Our partnership also organises supply teachers as well as networking for staff at all levels.
Jurrassic Coast Maths Hub
The country has been divided into 32 Hubs which all came into being in September 2014. Maths Hubs are a structure, within a school led system, for promoting and connecting different schools and organisations that aim to improve the teaching and learning of mathematics through collaborative CPD.
There are four Hubs in the South West from Gloucester to Cornwall. A school does not have to belong to a Hub but can choose to join particular work groups, though location is likely to dictate the easiest Hub for this. Each Hub has a Lead School, The Woodroffe School being that for the Jurassic Maths Hub, but the structure is designed to be a mesh or web of interconnections.
Who Directs the Hub?
The Jurassic Maths Hub has a Steering Group of Maths Leaders and Senior Leaders from Primary, Secondary, and Grammar schools together with the University of Exeter and advisors from across the different regions. The National Centre of Excellence in the Teaching of Maths have a central role to guide all of the Hubs.